golf kirby 3ds

More 3DS Must-Haves — Mario Golf: World Tour and Kirby: Triple Deluxe

If you have a Nintendo 3DS and $60(ish) of disposable income, stop reading this right now and go buy both Mario Golf: World Tour and Kirby: Triple Deluxe. Despite the system’s already stellar library, the 3DS continues to rack up additional hits, but these two new first-party releases prove that Nintendo is still the true master of their hardware.

cold outside

Warm Up With Kirby Krackle and The Doubleclicks

Though we’re still three weeks away from the official start of winter, the cold weather seems to have gotten here early for many of us. The recent chilly nights served to remind me of one of my favorite seasonal releases, this Star Wars-inspired gem from Kirby Krackle and The Doubleclicks.

Cover S&K Science Fiction

Classic Simon & Kirby Science Fiction

It’s no big surprise that I’m a huge fan of pulp science fiction. I love the rayguns, the rockets, the aliens, and all the other tacky (but not at the time!) technology. I love movies, comics, magazines, and books… all of it. Men breathing on Mars? I can accept that. Rockets zooming from Earth to Pluto in minutes? Not a problem. Guns that shoot fire instead of lasers? Why not?

Comics Geek: Unearthed Jack Kirby!

O my lord. Never before reprinted early Jack Kirby monster comics have been scanned and posted over at Monster Blog. The stories are from the late 1950s and early 1960s – right at the time of many of the classic Kirby superheroes we all know and love. Beyond the fact that this is a Jack […]