Win Some Doctor Who For the New Year!

Geek Culture

If watching the new Doctor Who Christmas Special isn’t enough Who for the Holidays, Warner Bros. Entertainment is offering three lucky GeekMom readers a chance to win packages of Doctor Who Season Six. Each winner win each receive a copy of the Part 1 and Part 2 box sets of the second season to star Matt Smith and feature Karen Gillian and Arthur Darvill as companions Rory and Amy. Sets courtesy of BBC America.

To enter to win, answer this question in the comments below:

Who is your favorite companion and why?

Can be either from the original series or from the modern series. The winners will be announced December 26th, the day after Christmas.

Good luck!




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61 thoughts on “Win Some Doctor Who For the New Year!

  1. Is this available even for people who lives outside America?
    I really like Donna Noble because she is incredibly smart and brave.
    But I prefer Sarah Jane Smith, even if I watched her only in “The Sarah Jane Adventures” and when guest starring in the modern series. I would like to see the original episodes with her.

  2. I really like Rose. I think the romantic relationship was the most real I have seen on the new Dr. Who. The final broke my heart but was also so wonderfully optimistic.

    I have to say each new companion is cooler than the last. I really like Rory and Amy. A couple companion is a great new idea and a baby that is only a baby for a brief moment. The love Martha has is a great story line, even if it is unreturned. I love them all for different reasons. Capt. Jack too.

  3. I haven’t seen any of the old Dr. Who episodes, so my experience is only with the modern series. My favorite companion is probably Donna with Amy (and Rory) being a close second. Rose was fine, but I couldn’t stand Martha.

  4. Martha Jones.

    She was a natural beauty and smart to boot. Plus, we named our cat Tattycoram after her character in Little Dorrit.

  5. Sarah Jane Smith is my first choice! Child of the 70’s, and Tom Baker with SJS and K9 were my favorites!

  6. I would have to say Captain Jack, but I also like Rose and Martha. Donna grew on me, but I couldn’t stand her at first.

  7. Sadly, I’ve become a Whovian only in the last few years, so my choices are limited. I’d vote for Idris, but I guess she’s not a “companion”, so I’d have to go with Amelia.

  8. Sadly, I must confess it is Rose. Part of the reasoning is she’s my “first” companion…and who wouldn’t want to be her? going from a ho-hum life to one of adventure and excitement. And the best farewell line of “I’m burning up a star to say goodbye”… and she pops back up to kick butt and take names

  9. My favourite companion? 1st season Jack Harkness. So cheeky, buck nekkid on TV and pulling a weapon out of…. where? and then taking down scary fashion robots.

  10. I say Amy. I know people who aren’t too keen on her, but I like it. Amy has the right amount of “what of it?” attitude. The right amount of “yeah, I found a button & I pushed it, so what?” I mean, if your best friend was always going to rescue you, the best you could do for him would be to make it interesting, right?

  11. Amy! Why? Because she adds even more character to the show and she goes so well with the current Dr. I think she is also the reason why I started liking red heads.

  12. I’m not as big a fan of Donna Noble as many are. I just found the character annoying. Rose is fine, I suppose. Ditto for Martha.

    I really like the combination of Amy and Rory, though. It’s hard to assess the companions when they have different Doctors. The Eleventh Doctor is my second favorite – next to Tom Baker. And that may cloud my judgment, but I think Amy has all the strong, assertive elements that most like about Donna. And the unique situation of having a couple, and eventually a baby, in the mix is great.

  13. So hard to choose! A year ago I would have said Martha Jones, just because of how she developed over the course of her season. In the finales of each of those first couple seasons, the companions had a major role in saving the world, but only Martha seemed to do it without ingesting something of the Tardis or the Doctor. She’s just naturally badass. But I’m so in love with the “Ponds” now, I may have to switch. Rory the Centurion for the win! Loyal, and awesome, and very pitiable. How many times can we watch him die?

  14. I love Amy Pond because that little girl waiting for her best friend to come back is me. Not that I had an encounter with Dr. Who and then he never came back, but the idea that she waited so many years for him to come reminded me of all the lost time in childhood waiting for things that could never be. But he came back for her, so is it possible dreams do come true?

  15. Adric because he went down swinging and killed the dinosaurs (and because despite his mathematical acuity he was descended from marshmen).

  16. Can I enter if I’ve only seen one season (5 of the reboot) and therefore only KNOW two companions? I love them both though, but I’ll vote for Rory. I love how he’s set up at the beginning to be your typical kind of chump, the less-interesting-than-the-Doctor geeky boyfriend Amy’s not even sure of her feelings for, likely to turn into a sort of comic relief– BUT HE’S NOT. His total Awesome keeps coming out, putting everyone else to shame! Do not underestimate the Rory!

  17. My favorite Doctor Who companion is Donna Noble. I loved that she was very witty and could keep up with the Doctor in that regard. Plus I really like Catherine Tate.

  18. My favorite companion is Donna Noble- the depth in which her character grew through the times she was with the Doctor is to me, the way I think many people would really react. She was more superficial at the start and then became a warrior woman in her own right. Also, gotta love Wilf!

    Though my favorite “almost” companion is Astrid, I think that she would have been a wonderful long-term addition!

  19. I really liked Adric. He’s the most hated of companions, but he’s really a boy looking for a father figure and — here’s the kicker — he’s smarter than the Doctor. Well, in some areas. He’s annoying, oversure of himself, but really just a kid trying to find respect from someone that he admires. Take a look at the first few minutes of Earthshock, when Adric tries to convince the Doctor that it’s possible to return to e-Space and the Doctor just shuts him down. That’s a kid looking for validation.

    He is also one of the only companions that wouldn’t leave by falling in love or finding his own place in the universe like so many other companions. The only way he could have left travelling with the Doctor is the way he did.

  20. Of the new series, I thoroughly enjoyed all companions (except Martha – at least until she finally quit pining over the Doctor).

  21. I’ve always been partial to Tegan (with Nyssa a close second). But then again, I might just be showing my age with that one.

  22. Amy: she was the first companion I ever saw since I started with Matt Smith. She’s sassy and funny and her relationship with Rory has become amazing!

  23. I’ve got to go with Donna Noble. She didn’t get all starry eyed over the doctor and acted how she wanted to (and said what she wanted to.)

  24. Amy Pond, but I have only started watching Doctor Who on Netflix last month. I watched all of season 5, and then since season 6 wasn’t available I went back and now have watched half of season 1 and most of season 2.

  25. Donna Noble. She’s been the most “normal” of the New Who companions, which makes her easy to relate to. She can do something brilliant and then complain about it in the same breath. She’s also one of the most tragic companions because she loses what we all want – becoming a better person from her time with the Doctor.

  26. My favorite companion of the Dr. is Donna Noble, who traveled with the 10th Dr.

    Donna makes a great companion because she is sarcastic and whitty, and beautiful inside and out. She has a magical and comical banter with the Dr. without the typical romantic connection. They are always denying it no matter what world they travel to. Really they are the best of friends.

    Donna’s character is easy to relate to, compassionate, and adventurous. She and the Dr are real fun seeker’s!

  27. My favorite companion is Donna Noble because she doesn’t fall over herself for the doctors charms and she sort of mothers him and banters back and forth in her own fiesty way 🙂

  28. Each time a new companion enters the show, I think I will never like the new one as much as one of the older ones…but I always do! If I had to pick just one favorite, I would pick Rose. I just always have a soft spot for her character and the relationship between her and the Doctor.

  29. My favorite companion so far has to be Amy Pond. I loved Donna, but Amy just has a little bit more spunk. She’s so much more likely to go off and do something interesting than just sit around and wait for the doctor to fix everything. *series five spoiler alert!* She even managed to bring The Doctor back from nonexistence after the Pandorica incident! *spoiler ended* Therefore, she is quite my favorite companion.

  30. Sarah Jane Smith is my favourite companion. She was such a fantastic companion in the old series of Doctor Who and then did the impossible: she came back. True, others came back for short periods- Rose, Martha, River, Jack- but Sarah Jane epitomises the spirit of Who, in my opinion. She is powerful in her own right, she is sassy, she is intelligent. She told the Doctor that she had waited ages for him to come back, much in the same style of the other companions. But what makes her unique and ultimately my favourite is that she did not simply sit there and sulk. She made her own adventures after the Doctor left her behind- she did not give up her spirit of adventure merely because she was no longer in the TARDIS. But most of all, she is the best because she set such a wonderful precedent for the companions to come. She loved the Doctor, but not too much, and she did not give in to the world when he left her. She showed the others what could be done when the doors closed and made her own journey with Mr. Smith, K-9, and Luke.

  31. Favorite companion – Donna. She loved the Doctor without being smitten by him. She called him on his crap, and she’s wonderfully tragic – she can’t ever remember it for her own good!

  32. Ohh a tough one..Sarah Jane was my favorite growing up since she was so smart and resourceful, but I really liked Rose; so every-woman-shows us we can all keep up with the Dr, even save his but a few times!

  33. Oh, without a doubt, it has to be K-9!!! LOL

    No, no……..I’d have to say that of all the companions the Doctor has had, my favorite would have to be Rose. I think that she forced the Doctor to look into his heart(s) and actually FEEL for the first time.
    The Doctor always distanced himself from his companions, never seeming to care about them more than as those “cool humans who came along for the ride.” But with Rose, there was a much deeper connection……she challenged him cognitively, intellectually and emotionally, in ways that no other companion seemed to. And he rose to the challenges she put before them and they brought out the best in each other.
    When he has said good-bye to companions in the past, there always seemed to be a small twinge of regret, tempered by a (seemingly) huge sigh of relief that he was free to go about his (current) life and not have to worry about them
    With Rose, when they said good-bye, there was the almost audible sound of at least one of his hearts breaking. It might well have been both. The fact that she continues to make “surprise” appearances even today leads me to believe that they will be together one day……in one life or another. 🙂

  34. Rory Williams! Rory’s life has been completely shaped by the Doctor: his childhood as Amy’s friend and his adulthood as Amy’s husband, the Doctor’s companion and (now) father-in-law. He’s neither dazzled nor intimidated by the Doctor. He more-or-less accepts the Doctor for his role in family’s life and isn’t afraid to disagree with the Doctor when he thinks there’s a reason to.

  35. Rose was my absolute favorite and no one even came close to her until Amy. The girl who waited has now won my heart (so has Matt Smith for that matter)! Amy Pond makes an excellent companion and has done a lot to make the Moffat seasons my favorite so far. 🙂

  36. I think I’d have liked Sarah Jane a lot–I really need to go back and watch the older series. However, Rose was the first companion I encountered, and therefore my favorite. (By the way, I think Donna was great only because she was so opposite of what a companion was suppose to be like!)

  37. Donna. Oh, Donna. Her end, to me, was easily the most tragic. I still get teary thinking of her not knowing how incredibly important and special she really is. She is a metaphor for all of us who devalue ourselves and cannot see the good we do for others as we live our lives.
    I loved Rose and Jack was fun. Martha was fine and Amy is annoying. But Donna was Noble.

  38. I would have to pick Donna, as I liked the fact that the relationship was platonic on both sides and a true friendship. She was also a great foil for the Doctor.

  39. I like Rose even though it took a bit for her to grow on me. I love the romance in their relationship and in the end she gets a version of the Doctor and they are happy.

  40. I’d have to say that Rory is my favorite. He may have started out as mildly helpless but he grew into the awesome Rory the Centurion. Also, he’s very loyal, like when protecting Amy for those 2,000 years.

  41. This is a tough one it’s a hard toss between Donna and Martha. Both strong wonderful women. The doctor only takes the best and it shows in all his companions.

  42. I had to think about this for a bit, because I have been watch the Doctor for decades… but I think Sarah Jane Smith popped up for nostalgia’s sake. So I am going to have to say it’s a tie between two of the newer companions.

    1. Rose Tyler – she helped show the Doctor’s humanity through his love for her. Their relationship was special, poignant and a bit spicy.

    2. Donna Noble – the fun they had together, yet with all her snarkiness she was the conscience he needed at the time. They were peas in a pod.

  43. Donna Noble was the best! She could call the Doctor on anything and was the most receptive to how he was feeling.

  44. Another vote for Donna Noble! She seemed the most real of the latest Doctor companions … she wasn’t perfect by any stretch, yet she still was wonderful and the Doctor was wonderful with her.

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