501st Legion 101

So, you want to join the 501st Legion? Well here is the ultimate step-by-step guide to how you too can become one of the members of the fighting 501st. The path of the Empire is a challenging one; it takes time and commitment to completion of a canon costume. You will have moments where you […]

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501st Legion 101

So, you want to join the 501st Legion? Well here is the ultimate step-by-step guide to how you too can become one of the members of the fighting 501st. The path of the Empire is a challenging one; it takes …

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Megacon 2012

Wow! Megacon was amazing this year. We arrived on Friday and like most conventions it was relatively slow for a while. We were able to comfortably walk the vendors and artist tables. There was an endless supply of vendors selling everything from costumes to used toys. With over 50 troopers in attendance the 501st legion […]

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Vulcan Events – Away Mission: Orlando, Florida 2011

Away Mission: Orlando, hosted by Vulcan Events, has a reputation of one of the best science fiction conventions in Orlando, Florida. Centered on a sci-fi theme, the event hosts guests from various worlds including Star Trek, Dr. Who, Stargate, Battlestar Galactica and other favorites. This year celebrity guests include Patrick Stewart (Star Trek: Next Generation, Shakespearean actor), David Warner (Star Trek films and Star Trek: Next Generation television series), David Nykl (Stargate Atlantis), Richard Hatch (Battlestar Galactica) as well as many others. Most of the guests have special autograph and photo sessions scheduled throughout the weekend.

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