Review ― Two Art Books That Invite Experimentation

Books Entertainment Reviews

During the pandemic, we ended up getting pretty restless, but some of us put that energy to good use and started obsessing over whichever materials we had available. In my case, it was embroidery. Curiously, two artists were chosen by Walter Foster to publish their particular obsessions, one being Sumy ink and the other squeegee art.

They may seem like an unlikely pair, but these two art books are all about being present in the moment and continuous experimentation. If you’re ready to try something completely new, read on.

Inky Meditations: Learn to Create Mindful Mesmerizing Paintings With Water and Ink by Inky

The artist Inky could not get to her studio during the pandemic, and so instead decided to explore what she had on hand: Sumi ink, water, and a paintbrush. You can follow some of her videos on her Instagram account, @inky_meditations.

It is wonderful to be able to explore such a simple yet enthralling medium, one I encourage you to try with your kids and your students as well, for a variety of reasons. Sumi ink is widely available, it can guarantee incredible results, and it invites you to explore the simple art of brushstrokes.

It is also an invitation to let your mind wander, go with the flow, and achieve a meditative state.

The ink dissolves in water, but once dry becomes waterproof, so you can draw with ink and color it later if you wish. It is an invitation to rest your eyes on the swirls made with the water on white or colored paper.

The 26 exercises proposed in this book invite you to see the interaction between water and ink, and they remind you there’s no right or wrong in this art; there’s only the journey.

There are QR codes to videos explaining the painting techniques that walk you through many paintings, and the flowers, insects, animals, and compositions offered guarantee stunning results.

Inky Meditations is available on May 24, 2024.
Publisher: Walter Foster Publishing
Pages: Paperback 128 Pages
ISBN: 9780760388754

Up next, I bet you have seen similar videos and wondered if this technique was even remotely possible to achieve:

Squeegee Art Revolution: Scrape Your Way to Amazing Abstract Art by Clara Cristina de Souza Rego

I first learned of Clara Cristina de Souza Rego (@aclaracris) and heard about this unique technique at the same time everybody else did: during the pandemic. The spark that got her going was all on her own, though, and the important steps she covers are fundamental for you to even think about attempting it. For example, you’d likely be surprised to learn that squeegee art is best achieved without a squeegee), but she also covers what type of paper to use, which acrylics work best, and what to do with the leftover swirly bits of paint.

This is a book that encourages readers to jump directly into the fun, and it would work great for classroom use, too!

There are 22 step-by-step projects offered in Clara’s signature style with tons of suggestions: how to make your work balanced, how to know when you’re done painting (very important), and how quality paper without bumps is a key factor, alongside the right washi tape.

I managed to get up and going in about five seconds with things I already had at home—cake spreaders are a must-have art tool—and was very satisfied with the results. I am planning to introduce this to my older art students.

Another frequent mistake Clara points out to us is the amount of paint necessary and the nozzle size required to guarantee tiny amounts. It truly is a new technique, and one that gives immediate and colorful results.

Squeegee Art Revolution is available on April 16, 2024.
Publisher: Walter Foster Publishing
Pages: Paperback 128 Pages
ISBN: 9780760388136

If you’re curious but hesitant to try acrylics with younger kids, Faber Castell has released a couple of Squeege Art sets with tempera paint.


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