New Zany New Are Go Banana Go!

Entertainment Music
Go Banana Go! and Germany comedian Flula Borg

Some children’s musicians are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon ’em. Shakespeare said that, give or take one word. Emmy-winning songwriter Jim Roach and adult comedy performer Brian Wecht only met two years ago. Their love for offbeat humor came to a boil with the creation of Go Banana Go! and its debut release, Hi-Ya!

“Hi-Ya!” from Go Banana Go!

Go Banana Go! are committed to serious silliness, taking nothing and everything for granted. Hi-Ya! starts with the band’s theme song (and credo), leading into the accurately-named “Pizza Feet” and the instructional (go with it) “German Lessons,” featuring comedian Flula Borg dropping non sequitur phrases, including “This basketball smells like a herd of poodles” and “There are two cupcakes on my cowboy hat.” and “This basketball smells like a herd of poodles.”

Sportscasters narrate the action in “Music to Put Your Shoes On,” one of the more unique mashups on the album. “I Love Cookies” is a power-pop anthem with dynamic choruses sung by former child star Hoku, declaring “I’m gonna eat every cookie in sight, I really want some cookies tonight.” The peppy “Super Cow” has four stomachs and his very own introductory tune. A unicorn and a cupcake (don’t think too hard) take a rap walk through the park in “Mark and Mark.” Hi-Ya! closes with the royal saga of “Queen of No Share” (with Rachel Wecht), who learns a lesson about selfishness.

Kids know when people are talking down to them, but Go Banana Go! are truly ridiculous, in a good way. I’m a tough audience but even giving special dispensation for a few shared experience tunes, such as “Stinky Diapers,” Jim and Brian have a pretty pretty good batting average with Hi-Ya! Allow your kids to broaden their sensibilities while you all flatten the curve and stay home and see just how bananas they can go.

HI-YA! is available from SpotifyApple Music, and Amazon.

Here is the video for their song, “Pizza Feet”:

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