‘Warhammer’ Battle Report: The Tussle in the Tundra

Gaming Geek Culture Tabletop Games

The reason I stopped playing wargames, other than having a girlfriend, was that they take sooooo much time and effort. Not to mention money. I don’t just mean the time spent painting and space needed to store your armies, but also the sheer length of time it took to play them. After children came along, I thought my Warhammer days were over.

Then along came Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. I’m not a full convert to the game, but I do like its accessibility. I can now, in theory, play a game in comparatively short space of time. Set up time is faster and the game is much more free flowing than editions of old. Great! As a result of my rekindled enjoyment, last year I started up a project called “Agents of Sigmar,”. YouTube videos of me messing about with “little men,” as my mom used to encouragingly refer to my hobby.

Yet, despite this relative ease of access, playing games as a parent is still not straightforward. Getting the kids down early enough to play in the evenings is not easy, and our attempts to play a daytime game was scuppered by one child needing a trip to A&E. Then there was Christmas, perennial festival of fun and death to plans for a night wargaming. If it wasn’t nativity plays, it was carol singing, if not carol singing, then Christmas discos. My calendar was fuller than an inn in Bethlehem.

Having last played in November, finally, sneaking into February 2017, I present the third episode of Agents of Sigmar.

Age of Sigmar Battle
“Oh! – It’s a scythe.” This doesn’t end well. Photo: Robin Brooks

The game is a little different from our previous two. I put away my legacy Bretonnians and pulled out my even older Empire figures. Pete, once again, played Death. His army fielded a skull-chukka catapult, which I was frankly terrified of, but to counter that, I channeled The Empire’s love of gunpowder and brought along my cannon.

The battle was played on some new TerraTiles I was sent by RAINN Studios. This is from their new “Tundra and Wastelands” set. We set up the battle on the tundra side in order to give a better contrast for the video.

As with the original set of tiles we used, these are a handy, flexible terrain building system, perfect for wargamers without much storage space. They are double sided, one white tundra, the other black “wastelands.” There are several tiles that have caverns printed on them. Hopefully, Agents of Sigmar will bring you a cavern based skirmish battle in the near future! Until then, thanks for watching and happy gaming!

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