The Krown case fits like an aluminum second skin

Wicked Audio Solus Headphones Review

I’ve mentioned before that I am a headphone junkie. If I can plug it into my iPod and put it in or over my ears, its for me. So, when I was given the chance to try out Wicked Audio’s new Solus headphones, I jumped up and down screaming “Yes!”. And since Solus is latin for “be yourself,” they fit me perfectly in more than one way.

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Help Manage Stress and Anxiety With emWave2

The more I talk to women, especially geeky women, the more I realize that anxiety and panic attacks, in various forms, are a very common experience, and I’m no exception. Some people have social anxiety. Some have anxiety related to their health. Some have a more generalized anxiety. Some get a panic attack out of nowhere, whereas some are triggered by certain events. There are many ways to combat these often debilitating conditions, including using meditation, medication, diet, exercise, therapy, and a variety of other methods.

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This is not a Munchkin.

Anxiety and the Geek

Since I was a child, I have suffered from high anxiety. When I was growing up, it was just referred to as being shy. As an adult, I learned that what I have is not something you always grow out of. In fact, as an adult, it can get worse if you don’t learn how to deal with it as a child. It took a few years to learn exactly what I have and how to deal with it. I went from therapist to therapist looking for answers on how to “fix” myself. A few times I went on medication to help alleviate the feelings I had. Eventually, I decided I had enough of both and started on a new path to find out how to deal with the anxiety and panic attacks.

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