Daily Deals 122316

Give the Gift of Unlimited Reading, or a Floor Cleaning Robot – the End of the Holi-Daily Deals!

Daily Deal

Daily Deals 122316

The end is nigh! Well, not the end of all deals, just the Holi-Daily deals we’ve been running in advance of Christmas, since you’ve only got ONE SHOPPING DAY LEFT! But anyways, onto the awesome deals:

Do you have a reader in your circle of gift-recipients? If so, giving the gift of UNLIMITED books might be a good gift. And that’s what Kindle Unlimited is (and it’s 25% off today). For just $89, the e-book reader in your life can download and read AS MUCH AS THEY LIKE for a whole year. Seems like an amazing deal. And you could pick them up a Kindle for as low as $80, too!

And to give them more time to read, get them a robotic vacuum cleaner to handle the mundane task of cleaning up the floors! The iLife V3s is on sale for just $127 today! (check to make sure you can get it by tomorrow though!)


If you’d like to help GeekDad & GeekMom out, use this link for any holiday shopping you do on Amazon.com. When you do, we’ll receive a small affiliate bonus that’ll really help keep the site running!

Thanks for all your support this year! The affiliate dollars we get via Amazon and other services has helped keep GeekDad and GeekMom going, so we really appreciate your help!

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