Daily Deals 061116

Daily Deals on VR Headsets, Pebble Time Steel for $80 Off!

Daily Deal

Daily Deals 061116

Save on the simple side of the virtual reality craze with this VR headset by Amerzam. Get a VR or AR app on your smart phone, slip it into the goggles, and have your mind blown. And today you can get these for over half off, at just $21!

As always happens in tech, when the new generation gadget comes out, the last gen goes on sale. So, if you’re patient, and don’t have to be an early adopter, you can save! The amazing Pebble Time Steel is a great smart watch that works with both iOS and Android phones, and you can get it today for $80 off, just $170!

Don’t forget to get your copies of the GeekDad Books for the dedicated geeky parent in your life, for Father’s Day, or just because!



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