Emerald City Comic Con 2016 Approaches

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ECCC2016 - Tales From the Con - Where's Rey?Emerald City Comic Con 2016 is now less than a month away. Are you ready?

ECCC2016 - Press Badge with hours and cosplay is not consentI received my press badge, and other than needing to finish my cosplay, I am ready to go! I love the “Cosplay is not Consent” printed right on the badges along with the show hours. ECCC has almost all of their special guests, artists, exhibitors, and panels locked in for the con and their site is full of all the info you need to plan your weekend!

ECCC2016 - Spotlight Guests
It’s ok if you can’t decide who to try to meet with this many awesome guests!

Some of my favorite actors from my favorite shows are headlining, and I hope to get a chance to meet, and maybe even interview, some of them; Nathan Fillion, Rose McIver from iZombie, Norman Reedus from The Walking Dead, Chyler Leigh and Melissa Benoist from Supergirl, and Daniell Panabaker from The Flash are at the top of my list! You can even sign-up for photo ops in advance.

ECCC2016 - Exclusive merchandise
Snag some nice looking threads or even a Lying Cat before the con.

A nice addition this year, thanks to ReedPOP, is the ability to buy some of the ECCC exclusive merchandise in advance! This means you get more time enjoying the con and, at least, one less line to stand in. It also means you can get, wash, and then wear your ECCC 2016 gear to the convention.

ECCC2016 - My Show allows advanced planning
Plan your photo ops, panels, and floor schedule with My Show.

Once you get your badge in the mail, you can register your ticket and create an account to sign in to My Show. My Show not only lets you browse through the exhibitors, guests, and panels but lets you take notes and add items to your short list to help with planning your con weekend. My Show will even recommend other things for you to do based on what you’ve already saved, which can help you find something you missed or even expand your horizons. The mobile app isn’t quite ready yet, but once it is you’ll be able to plan your weekend even more.

ECCC2016 - Image EXPO is a standalone event
Image EXPO and Spring Formal Dance.

Another new addition this year is the Image EXPO occurring the day before ECCC starts. Image EXPO is an all-day event that will feature a ton of new announcements from Image Comics, along with the Spring Formal Dance–the official Image EXPO after party (sorry, 18+ to enter). Tickets for Image EXPO are sold separately and an ECCC badge is not required to attend Image EXPO.

ECCC2016 - Ashitaka and kodama
Ashitaka and kodama. Photo by Sarah James.

I know I said I wasn’t going to be posting anything else about my cosplay until the actual show, but here is a sneak peek at where we are for loyal readers who are curious! ECCC is extremely cosplay-friendly for all ages from the Western Championships of Cosplay to their Cospitality Zone. The Cospitality Zone includes a cosplay changing room, a cosplay repair room, a cosplay lounge, and a cosplay workshop room dedicated to cosplay related workshops and panels.

ECCC is my favorite convention every year (being local certainly doesn’t hurt), and I’m really looking forward to this newly expanded, ReedPop run version.

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