more or les

More Or Les Brings You Whovian Hip-Hop


If you’re in the market for yet another way to get hyped for the upcoming Doctor Who 50th anniversary event, “The Day of The Doctor,” I wholeheartedly suggest the latest from Canadian hip-hopper and famed brunch enthusiast More Or Les. Bigger on the Inside: A Time Traveller’s Mixtape is 10 tracks of musical fan-fiction complete with nods to many of the series’ greatest moments.

Cower before The Master in “The Sound of Drums,” reflect on Leela, Tegan and all the other “Travel Companions” and be sure not to miss the stellar title track. Bigger on the Inside is available now via Bandcamp, and while it’s a pay-what-you-want release Les doesn’t ask a cent for it. Check it out, and if you dig it just be sure to pick up his previous work — I’d suggest 2010’s Brunch with a Vengeance and last year’s foodie concept album Mastication.


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