Get Ready for PAX Prime

Places Videogames

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PAX Prime is taking place this coming weekend in Seattle, and several GeekDads and GeekMoms will be in attendance. I’m looking forward to it myself, having missed a few of the other big gaming conventions this year, and I’m sure there are a lot of awesome games and panels to check out. Okay, I’ll be honest: I’ll probably skip most of the panels to play board games. But there is at least one panel I won’t miss, and if you’re going to PAX you should put it on your schedule: the GeekDad/GeekMom panel will be on Sunday at 1:30pm in the Kraken Theatre on the first floor of the Grand Hyatt. We’ll be covering a few different topics about parenting and gaming, and we’ll be giving away a whole lot of swag: games, books, DVDs, toys! Thanks to our generous prize providers: Calliope Games, Catalyst Games, Game Salute, Hasbro, Pokemon, Shout Factory, Stratus Games, Sony Playstation, Thinkfun, ThinkGeek, and Wizards of the Coast. (Sorry if I’ve missed a few—these are what we’ve received so far.)

As for me, I’m looking forward to meeting some of the GeekMom writers that I haven’t met yet, catching up with some of my favorite board game companies, and playing a lot of games. We’re still hoping to rope in Wil Wheaton for a game or two, but I think his schedule is pretty busy. Oh, and GeekDad Erik Wecks and I may be running a few demos of our own game in the tabletop areas. Watch for folks wearing GeekDad and GeekMom T-shirts, and if you see us at PAX say hello!

Not attending PAX? The panel will also be livestreamed through — more on that as soon as we have the URL.

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