DIY Home Automation and Power Monitoring

Geek Culture

Image by Flickr user <a href=Image by Flickr user <a href=

Image by Flickr user Louisa Carobelli

You know you’re wasting electricity around your house. And as a geek, you’ve always dreamed of being able to run your home from a portable device – maybe something slick and hand-held? Well, this fellow got the DIY spirit and made it all happen:

A programmable automation controller, a power-monitoring I/O module, and two current transformers let him measure current and voltage to provide power-use data in real time. And Benson can tap into his system to collect power-consumption data from anywhere and view it on his Apple iPhone. The result? An interactive, real-time awareness of energy use that helped him save $200 a month on his power bill.

Check out the article, with build information, here.

(special thanks to my father-in-law Bob for the link)

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