March Steampunk Block of the Month

Clothing and Cosplay DIY GeekMom

The March steampunk block of the month is here!

This month’s block is a corset, a staple of  female steampunk costumes. I’ve accented mine with a bright red ribbon, but you could also go with a bright red corset and change the ribbon color. I’d suggest making the corset body out of one fabric and adding the “boning” strips over the top. Have fun with patterns in that corset body fabric. (I plan on using Morris Reproduction prints from Moda in mine.) As usual, the finished block is 12×12 inches, but I’d suggest starting out with a 14×14 block for easier positioning.

If you haven’t been sewing along, it’s never too late to start on this quilt.  If you’ve made a previous block of the month, please post a picture in the comments! I’d love to see what you’ve made.

Here’s the PDF download for this month’s block.

Here’s the February block of the month.

Here’s the January block.

Here’s the quilt so far:

Happy quilting, everyone!



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