This Week With the GeekMoms


Dakster Sullivan is geeking it out this weekend at Otronicon with her fellow 501st and Rebel Legion troopers. It’s her third year attending the event, and it’s sure to be a blast. On top of that, she is getting her new costume ready for its debut at Megacon in March. She can’t wait to show it off to everyone and get their reactions.

Laura is experiencing the short-lived but blissful euphoria that comes with getting over a nasty cold. She is using her newly recovered lung power to sing made-up songs with bizarre lyrics, despite her family’s threats to make stealth recordings. Today’s compositions include ditties about deadline purgatory, refrigerator smells, and movie piracy.

Rebecca Angel is currently listening to her daughter play the drums in her basement with some friends in a “band.” This is news since her daughter has only done musical things with her mom and other family members. She’s branching out! Other than that, Rebecca is very excited to see Potted Potter with her sister this weekend.

Rachel Cericola is desperately clinging to her New Year’s resolutions by continuing to exercise on a regular basis. She’s also trying to incorporate more local foods into her daily diet and is thrilled to be hitting up the farmer’s market this weekend. Of course, all of that may be sabotaged by a birthday party on Sunday. Her mother-in-law isn’t known for her healthy choices!

Melissa Wiley is binge-reading the novels of Muriel Spark.

Kathy Ceceri is busy putting together samples of projects from the Geek Mom book and her Robotics activity book for an appearance at the Barnes & Noble in Saratoga Springs, NY on Monday, January 21. The high school NASA club will also be there, showing off their rocketry projects, so if you’re in the area, come say hi!

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