The Indiana Jones Mail Mystery Solved

GeekMom TV and Movies
Image Courtesy the University of Chicago

Remember that mystery package addressed to Indiana Jones that landed at the University of Chicago? Well the mystery has been solved. The solution is almost as awesome as the package. Ready for this?

The elaborately recreated journal was sold on eBay by an artist in Guam and intended to be delivered to a customer in Italy. It was wrapped in another, properly addressed envelope. The fake postage stamps and University of Chicago address were part of the inner packaging. Somewhere along the line, the outer wrapping was damaged, and the post office continued to deliver what appeared to the casual glance as a perfectly legitimate package.

The artist, Paul from Guam, has agreed to donate this package to the University of Chicago, where they promise to make part of an awesome educational museum display. I hear tell their Oriental Institute already looks like it could be the set of an Indiana Jones movie. The purchaser in Italy will get a new replica from the artist. Maybe also some stronger wrapping material.

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