Geek (D)Ads


Comedian Bill Hicks famously described those who work in marketing as "Satan’s spawn filling the world with bile and garbage." It was an easy joke – though Hicks insisted it wasn’t a joke in the slightest – because many people do feel that advertising is its own special kind of evil.

But what if it were real evil? A truer and more abiding evil than the simple “buy our stuff, it will make you happy” brand of malice we’ve come to expect?

Giant Ideas, an ad agency that seems to go out of its way not to be evil is answering this very question with their new project Geek Ad Wednesday. The concept it simple:

Every Wednesday on the Giant Blog we present GEEK AD WEDNESDAY (GAW) a celebration of evil fictional corporations, strange geekerific references and mash-ups and mayhem! From LOST to What’s Happening, nothing is sacred in these print ads and posters. Enjoy and be sure to tell your friends. Something new every Wednesday!

Thus far they’ve touched on everything from the Dharma Initiative to Blade Runner‘s Tyrell Corporation with very interesting results. Check out the positive PR spin put on these and other sinister machinations at the GAW Flickr set, and keep up with all the latest big giant ideas at the company’s blog.

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