Convention Policies and Procedures

In recognition of the fact that we now have multiple people from both sites attending multiple conventions, it’s become time to create a more formal policy for coverage. Cons are a great time for our GeekDad and GeekMom writers and a great opportunity to attend special events and, yes, receive swag. All of our writers are attending on their own dime, which we very much appreciate and acknowledge, so we’d like to make the Con press experience good for everyone.

Therefore, going forward:

A. Con Coverage Must Be Dibsed
The editors must be made aware when you receive press credentials for a con. This can be done on our dibs spreadsheet. It doesn’t mean you’re dibsing the whole con, of course, but if you can make a guess as to where you want to concentrate your coverage, that would be helpful to include.

B. Use The Spreadsheet

We have been informally using a spreadsheet to track press opportunities at the cons but, going forward, this will be a formal step in any con coverage with three attendees or more. A single attendee may or may not choose to use a spreadsheet but it would still be useful in order to create a list of contacts that would benefit the blog as a whole (see reason 3 below) –and might make it easier for the single person to track their own coverage, as some PR contacts can come fast and furious in the days before the Con.

The first person who calls dibs should be the one to get the spreadsheet up and running, with columns for subject, PR contact, and whether it’s dibsed or not (we should have a template available).

The reasons being:

  1. So those attending the con will be aware of who’s covering what at the con and avoid overlap or multiple contacts to press representatives which can make us look unprofessional.
  2. To create a master list of what will be covered at the Con, to inform all the editors what to expect in the coming weeks.
  3. To create a list of press contacts that will be available on the spreadsheet for possible follow-up after the con. There are many things we cannot cover at conventions but they may be items that other GD/GM writers, even those not attending, would like to cover after the con.

The spreadsheet will be used to call specific dibs for items at the con, and, like our usual dibs policy, there will be a 24-hour waiting period to award dibs, in case there is any conflict.

Those who receive press opportunities through their unique PR contacts will have first dibs on any con coverage.

For instance, if you have, an existing contact with Netflix Marvel shows, and you’re the only one who receives that press opportunity, then it’s yours. If multiple people receive the same opportunity via email–say all con attendees get a notice about an Evil Dead panel–then con attendees will work out an equitable division of coverage, with any conflicts being decided by the most senior person attending the con.

Note: there is often an opportunity for multiple writers to attend various events, so please be as generous as possible with your fellow GD/GM writers in sharing opportunities. It is fun to attend events as a group, as those who have been can attest.

Failure to put dibs on the Con spreadsheet may result in the article not being run. (Obviously, some things may happen during the Con that results in unplanned coverage. Just keep your fellow attendees in the loop.)

C. Use Slack:
A Slack Channel will be created for the con by the Editors after the first Con press-pass dibs is awarded. Being in this Slack channel will be mandatory, so all con attendees will know there is a support system in place for each other–especially if it’s your first con, it can be overwhelming– and to organize coverage.

D. Groups Can Get a Free Dinner:
If you have a group organized through these procedures, Ken has been known to spring for a team dinner…

E. Name the Con In Your Articles:
After the Con, put it in your headline. Such as “NYCC: Professor Marston & the Wonder Woman,” so readers can better track the Con coverage.

Cons are amazing events and are more amazing when attending with fellow writers and we hope these formal steps will help all run smoothly, and be more fun for everyone!

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