My Little Yoni — Bringing Accurate Sex Education to Kids

Books Education

The My Little Yoni franchise seeks to educate young kids (3-5+) on vital issues that are often missed in that age range due to social “prudence” AKA prudishness. Readers of the Yoni Magic books are empowered to use accurate language to describe their bodies and wishes, as well as how to set boundaries and/or gain consent in a healthy and appropriate way. Hosted by My Little Yoni (an illustrated vulva that is, frankly, adorable), each of their illustrated books takes kids through a host of issues that are of concern to people of all ages. I was able to read PDFs of two of their books, detailed below.

The Amazing Truth

The first work entitled Yoni Magic: The Amazing Truth is worded as a discussion for kids who were born with vulvas, but can be useful for children who don’t have them in order to better understand how other bodies are shaped (without exploring these things with their peers). The primary character is a super-hero vulva (My Little Yoni) whose mission is to empower kids to have healthy relationships with themselves, their bodies, and their peers as well as effective communication about their bodies. The text focuses mostly on uterus-based physical anatomy but also touches on shame, consent, and other topics relevant to understanding one’s own body.

Parents should be forewarned that there are anatomically correct illustrations of different vulvar regions to help normalize the biological truth that vulvas come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. This warning is only offered so parents aren’t surprised in a way that translates as judgment or disapproval to kids reading along.

All About Consent

The second work is entitled Yoni Magic: All About Consent, and it is not really focused on any type of reproductive anatomy, or even sex (at least explicitly). Instead, the topic of consent is discussed in many different ways to illustrate and demonstrate the many ways everyone employs consent to get through their interactions with other people. Using examples like playdates, lunch choices, and sleepovers, My Little Yoni also illustrates, indirectly, the ways that consent is used in more intimate ways as well. This is a great resource for talking to kids about consent, assault, and related topics without ever actually talking about or depicting intercourse.

The Big Picture

There are currently 10 books in the series, but if you visit My Little Yoni’s website, they have initiatives to help at-risk youth receive accurate sex education for free. There are also charms and dolls you can get so your kiddo can have their own My Little Yoni. Probably my personal favorite feature of their website is their blog, where they take on critical issues, as well as advice for using their resources with your kids.

I would note that the books are on the expensive side, but My Little Yoni is also their nonprofit organization dedicated to providing accurate (and free) sex education to disadvantaged youth. I like to think of it like donating to PBS and getting a tote. It would be a very expensive tote if the only point were to buy the tote, but that donation does a lot more than provide the tote. Likewise, buying from (or donating to) My Little Yoni helps provide critical education for kids, something that is difficult to put a price tag on. (Spoiler alert: According to their website, it’s about $25 per kid.)

If you still need resources for sex education for your kids of any age, check out our Top 10 Sex Ed Books for the Modern Parent.

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