DC on The CW: It’s All Your Fault

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All images by The CW.

This week on The CW, our DC heroes were blamed for everything bad that resulted from other people’s choices. The speed force blamed Barry for every heroic action and sacrifice other people made. Commander Steel blamed Rip for the Commander choosing to protect the Spear of Destiny. Prometheus blamed Oliver for the choices that Adrian Chase has made. We discussed the episodes on the GeekDad Facebook page, along with some of our readers. Here are just a handful of the highlights.

‘The Flash’ episode 3.16, “Into the Speed Force”

Joey: It’s springtime. Barry’s moping. Time to go back into the speed force and accomplish nothing but cameos from Barry’s past.

Lisa H: And not learn a damn thing!

Joey: To be fair, there wasn't much to Learn here besides the fact that speed force is a jerk.

Joey: "This is something I have to do alone."
 "Cisco, I need your help."

Jeff Webster: “Looks like you’ve lost a step in your golden age” ???? Best reference EVER

Corrina: “I love you and I’m sad, Iris.” “I love you and I’m sad, Barry.” “I know, let’s break up!” Makes perfect sense? ::shakes head::

Lisa H: Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Lisa H: Scene: Flash writers room. "Okay so Barry's accepted he's got to be the one who saves Iris. So what can we do to create more drama? I know let's break them up!"

Joey: So, Barry doesn't want to get married because... why, exactly?

Corrina: Barry got a lot of people killed, didn’t he?

Lisa H: Yes...So let's spend an entire episode rehashing that.

Lisa H: And when we all all done visiting the ghosts of Barry's past... Barry will have learned nothing.

Joey: Speed force is an ass. Barry didn't kill Eddie. Eddie killed himself to stop Eobard.

Joey: Again with the jackassery from the speed force. Ronnie died to stop the wormhole. His choice. It's not at all comparable to Wally's situation. Wally was duped. He didn't choose to be imprisoned. Wally didn't make a noble sacrifice.

Joey: And the speed force chastising Barry for asking his friends for help is rotten. It's when Barry makes decisions in a vacuum that he makes piss-poor decisions. Not whenever he has people acting as the voice of reason.

Joey: The Captain Cold cameo didn't even make sense. Snart sacrificed himself, regardless of whatever influence Barry had on him. Speed force is telling Barry to step up while chewing him out for doing so. Speed force is a sentient hypocrite?

Joey: Using the speed force's logic, is Jay's sacrifice also somehow on Barry?

Joey: The lesson Barry learned is that Barry has to save Iris without using Wally. Really? That was the lesson?

Lisa H: Speed force is an ass. I won't argue that. But if it wasn't for Barry being the Flash Eddie wouldn't have had to kill himself. So... Tangentially Eddie's death IS Barry's fault, even if it is very Timey wimey.

Joey: That line of thinking takes the "hero" out of every heroic action taken or sacrifice made by every other character, because every character on this show lacks any agency or motivation and cannot make a choice of his or her own volition if it all comes back to Barry in the end.

Joey: How much fun would it have been if Jesse had defeated Savitar. All done, boys. You’ve got a half-dozen episode to fill. Find a new big-bad.

Lisa H: Part of me hoped it would go down like that...It would have been a much better statement on Feminism then Supergirl has ever been. But the rest of me knew it would never happen.

Joey: Why didn’t Wally go with Jesse to Earth-3? Wally would do anything for love, but he won’t do that.

Lisa H: It's like logic...You won't find any consistent character development or emotional development here. He loves her but wants everything on his terms. (The men in the Berlantiverse are at their core selfish.) He wouldn't dare completely uproot his life for anyone.

Joey: If Jesse is the Flash on Earth-2 (and now on Earth-3), can we just have the series follow her from now on? We can still call it The Flash even.

‘DC’s Legends of Tomorrow’ episode 2.14, “Moonshot”

Lisa H: Blech. Watched the whole thing…Eh.

Joey: Not their strongest episode, but still a few things to like. Loving Mick doing the open, again. Professor Stein’s distraction at Mission Control was hilarious and unexpected.  I like the Ray and Eobard pairing–Legends seems to be doing a better job of fleshing out its villains as three-dimensional characters than the rest of the Berlantiverse shows. Granted, they’ve had longer and more episodes to flesh out the Legion of Doom (and Mick) when you add in their appearances in The Flash and Arrow. Plus, the fact that Sara’s a much better captain than Rip ever was (I was hoping someone was going to try and tell Sara the odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field…).

‘Arrow’ episode 5.16, “Checkmate”

Joey: Is Adrian the speed force? Again, the theme of the week is that no one else on hear shows has any agency of their own. They all exist to be acted upon by or serve as a source of guilt/motivation for the title hero and that’s all.

Joey: I like this Prometheus twist. Get us looking one direction (Chase is Vigilante), then blindside us with Chase is Prometheus. That’s good work.

Joey: Why was it Talia who jacked Ollie? Why not Artemis? Whatever happened to Evelyn Sharp?

Joey: Really, you don’t block the elevator door?

Jeff Webster: The entire world knew that was a trap...hell, Mr Terrific had just made a horror movie reference about the same thing a little before that.

Joey: As soon as the door opened, I thought, "Okay, find something to block the door with." Nope!

Join us this week as all four of the DC on The CW shows return with new episodes. Teri Hatcher and Kevin Sorbo star in “Lois & Hercules: The New Legendary Adventures” on Supergirl. Not-Neil Patrick Harris joins The Flash as Music Meister for the musical crossover episode. The Legends enlist the help of J.R.R. Tolkein during World War I on Legends of Tomorrow. Dolph Lundgren returns and hopefully utters the phrase “I must break you” at some point during his time on Arrow. Join us on the GeekDad Facebook page and add your thoughts to the comments to the posts for the episodes that you watch, either live or whenever you get to them during the week. We are looking for the most unique, humorous, and thought-provoking comments to add to next week’s DC on The CW recap!

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