Daily Deals 100716

Save Big on (Analog) Notebooks, Play Three Great Tabletop Games in Today’s Daily Deals!

Daily Deal

Daily Deals 100716

Sure, we geeks live in a digital world, but a lot of us still appreciate the joy of working with analog materials and equipment. For example, writing. Check out these lovely Treasure Notebooks, with heavy duty lined paper and a durable cover. Perfect for jotting down notes, sketches, lists, and more. And the only way they can be hacked is if someone actually takes it out of your hand and opens it! Get them today for just $14 each!

We are all about the board games here at GeekDad, and here’s three great ones you can get for great prices today:

Puerto Rico – just $29!

Tokaido – just $27!

Star Wars Rebellion – Save $26 off!


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