GBBP 41: Ming-Na Wen

Great Big Beautiful Podcast Podcasts

The Great Big Beautiful Podcast, Episode 41: Ming-Na Wen

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This week, we geek out….big time. Joining us is none other than Agent Melinda May and Mulan, the extraordinary Ming-Na Wen!

In my ongoing quest to be a total Mulan fanboy, having Ming on the show was a clear . (No offense Tony Bancroft, you were a very close second.)

Though she voiced Mulan in the Disney animated feature (and its direct-to-video sequel), she’s recently become vastly more well known for being the stoic and dispassionate Agent May on Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD. And it’s there that she’s broken out further as a total kickass heroine.

But Agent May couldn’t be more opposite to Ming’s actual, real-life personality. Just take a listen to this week’s show. Nearly half of its runtime is her laughing. She’s just as sweet and awesome as can possibly be, and this episode definitely checks off an entry on my weird pop culture bucket list.

And since we have Ming on the show this week, I’d be remiss if I didn’t toss up this phenomenal commission I got from Mike Maihack (and subsequently got signed by Ming). Behold, and be jealous…



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