Hook’d App: Say It With Music

Music Software
Screenshot from Hook'd Holiday selections, image via Hook'd.
Screenshot from Hook’d Holiday selections, image via Hook’d.

My eldest son has been long fascinated with the idea of making music videos. A short enthusiam for Starmaker app burned out quickly when he found out it was more about competing with other videos for popularity than about sharing songs with each other.

For the past week, he’s been trying out Hook’d and we’ve been pleased with the results.

The positive:

  • The app is free.
  • All the backing tracks are provided. The only thing you have to do is sing.
  • Controls allow adjusting for pitch.
  • Instant sharing via YouTube is enabled, allowing the videos to be shared over any social media.
  • All that’s needed to record is a microphone. (You could use the one on your smart phone but then it also picks up ambient noise.)

Here’s an sample of how a classic Christmas song sounds when shared on Hook’d. (Disclaimer: not my son, he was too shy to share with anyone outside his family, but provided by Hook’d.)

The negative:

Only limited tracks are available. Other songs are available but for a fee.

Basically, Hook’d is a fun, low stress way to record yourself singing along to your favorite song and then share it with everyone on your social media. It won’t autotune your voice but it will make some adjustments to allow you to sound better.

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