Happy 132nd Birthday, A.A. Milne!

Birthdays & Anniversaries Books People

A.A. Milne
A.A. Milne
On January 18, 1882, Alan Alexander Milne was born in London, England. The man who adapted his son Christopher Robin and his stuffed animals into some of the best-loved characters of all time, Milne was also a humorist and playwright until the success of his children’s books essentially took over his career (much to his chagrin).

A.A. Milne is, of course, known for writing the stories of Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends in the Hundred Acre Wood: tales whose timeless quality has kept them in print for almost 90 years, caused them to be translated into many other languages (including Latin), and which have spawned enough Disney movies, short features, and TV shows that it would simply be tedious to count them all. The staying power of Milne’s characters can be seen by a simple trip to any store with a baby and/or toy section.

The original stuffed toys owned by Christopher Robin Milne.
The original stuffed toys owned by Christopher Robin Milne.

So, despite the obvious fact that Milne is no longer with us, having passed away in 1956, please join us in celebrating the life of a man whose creations have brought so much joy to the world over so many years. As Owl would write, HIPY PAPY BTHUTHDTH THUTHDA BTHUTHDY. Have some honey in your tea or on pancakes or just on some bread, in Milne’s honor, or if you live somewhere that’s not too cold, why not find some pine cones or sticks and play Poohsticks?

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