GeekDad Puzzle of the Week Solution: drowssorC Puzzle

Geek Culture

The puzzle as presented:

DrowSsorc? Is this another RA Salvatore reference, like Arach-Tinilith? No, it’s actually just the word “crossword” as in “crossword puzzle,” backwards. Technically, this week’s GeekDad Puzzle of the Week is more of a cross-number puzzle, but then I won’t be able to make geek literature references.

In any case, for your chance at this week’s $50 ThinkGeek gift certificate, simply correctly complete the cross-number puzzle below. Note, that just as the title is backwards, many of the clues (and corresponding answers) are also reversed, inverted, or somehow upside-down. For example, the clue for 30 Across reads “iP,” and may somehow be related to last Thursday’s dessert-based celebration. Send your responses to Geekdad Central by end of day Friday, and good luck!


0. ihP
5. Markov Number
9. Kaprekar Number
10. rebmuN tcefreP
12. Oxygen molecule
15. 22nd prime
16. Californium, 3x
18. Without mammaries @ 180°
20. Loo @ 180°
22. base14(111)=?
24. (2^3)(5^2)
25. Sphenic palindrome
26. (ptth) deriuqeR noitacitnehtuA yxorP
28. Heinz
29. !5 (see 48 Down)
30. iP
31. Lucas number
33. 2(5^2)
34. Requested Range Not Satisfiable (http)
35. Unnilhexium
36. 3x(Sean Connery)^-1
38. No content (http)
40. Gallium
41. Twice 36 Across - 18
44. See 28 Across
45. How do I dial 911?
46. Bauer
47. 5/(Roger Moore)
48. Oil @ 180°
49. 5^2^2
51. 7^7 (rev)
52. Smallest sum of six distinct positive squares
53. Clinchfield, GA
54. e
56. n^n
59. (Life, universe, Everything) base 2
60. Kubrick / Clarke
63. gnihtyrevE, esrevinU, efiL
65. Highest cake number that fits
66. 5^11
71. (2^2)(3^4)(5^2)
72. Sparta!
73. Hillbillies @ 180°
74. (etihW dna kclaB lcni) nomekop fo rebmun

0. ynneJ
1. "Transformers" + 1 millenium
2. Most popular model train scale
3. (3^4)rev
4. "Reversal Of Fortune" hits theaters
5. Blue vs. Kasparov
6. College savings plan
7. 43F (see 35 down)
8. Perfect Number
11. 11^5
13. Twice 27 down
14. Calling the President
17. 2000 FQ10
19. Google @ 180°
21. flah/flah
23. 2^(2(3^2))
27. 1/(George Lazenby)
32. Calling the First Lady
33. Not Implemented (http)
35. F55
36. A168595
37. 27 Down + 36 Across
39. n^n
42. (rebmun s'eulc siht)/1
43. 20th prime
48. 6!
50. Sphenic, consecutive digits
51. Oboe @ 180°
55. rebmun lanogatpeh deretneC
56. Smyrna, GA
57. Perfect vision
58. Conflict (http)
59. F? = 89
61. Leet
62. Arp 87 (either galaxy)
64. 2^(3(2^2))
67. Maine
68. Fn, where Fn = n^2
69. Sum of first 18 primes
70. Hercules (aircraft)

This week’s winner is Andy Arizpe, who (along with others) not only provided a working solution but also the necessary corrections in the above clues. He definitely earned his $50 ThinkGeek Gift Certificate. Please find the solution to this past week’s puzzle, below.

Many thanks to the team at ThinkGeek and to everyone that sent in a solution. Have a great week!

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