What? Mother’s Day is Sunday?

Hacking the Holidays

As busy as all our lives are, holidays like Mother’s Day can sneak up on us. I didn’t realize until this week that Sunday was Mother’s Day. Luckily, I had bought gifts for my mother last month so I’m be ahead of the game.

However, if you’re not that organized, here are five quick yet wonderful things you can either buy or prepare for your GeekMom in time for Mother’s Day.

1. Oracle Cookies.

Even if you’re not a baker, making this cookies representing the computer avatar of Oracle, aka Barbara Gordon, the former Batgirl, is easy. Get a pre-made sugar cookie mix, white frosting and some green food coloring. After the cookies are cooled, separate the frosting into two segments and vary the number of drops of the coloring. More drops mean a darker green, fewer drops of coloring will create the lighter green.

photo & cookies courtesy of http://thehappysorceress.blogspot.com via tumblr dcwomenkickingass

2. Membership to Wizard 101. Why this MMORPG? Because parents can have fun playing with their kids. I’ve written about Wizard 101 before and the reason I like the game is that all skill levels are welcome yet the game is fun for adults too, it’s free and it will play without glitching on older PC operating systems. If you like the game after trying it, memberships can be purchased, along with crowns to get cool stuff in the game. It’s new world, Wintertusk, will also have a cool new (but currently secret) soundtrack.

3. Netflix subscription.

It’s the live streaming that is the attraction here because the number of science fiction fantasy series available for instant viewing include Battlestar Galactica (newer version) , Mythbusters, The Twilight Zone (original series), Angel, The X-Files, and many versions Doctor Who.

4. Hand-picked Flowers.

Store bought flowers tend to be pretty but they’re the last resort of the unimaginative. However, flowers hand-picked by your geeklings for your mom are an exception. I used to pick wild lilacs for my mother. She loved them so much that I will forever lilacs associate them with Mother’s Day. Over the years, my husband has brought me two lilac bushes that are now growing in our yard.

Not only do moms remember Mother’s Day traditions, so do kids.

Hint: do double-check the hand-picked flowers for bugs and the like.

5. Hand-made Gifts.

I have saved every little craft item that my children have ever given me. They sit in a special shelf on my glass front bookcase in the living room. If I ever had to evacuate in a hurry, I’d grab the husband, the kids, the pets and that shelf of gifts. (Okay, maybe also my MacBook….)

A hand-made gift can be something as simple as a hand-written card or drawing Or, if you’re crafty, it can be a beaded necklace or other jewelry. It can even be a mug. The last time I was at a Michaels store, I found a monster-size mug, plain white, and accompanying items to decorate it.

And remember, whatever you get, what Mothers love most on Mother’s Day is their family happily around them.

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