Castles By Disney, Interiors by Geekdom

Family GeekMom TV and Movies
Photo via Creative Commons, Adapted by JennT

Every girl wants to be a princess, right? No. No, no. Nope. If that hasn’t been made clear on GeekMom thus far, you’ve been skipping posts again. I never wanted to be a princess. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some ball gowns (mostly worn to Wal-Mart) and I would not be opposed to marrying a prince, but swirling around in glittery taffeta, my hair wafting down in inhuman curls,Β  was never my cup of tea. Nor, actually, was having a cup of tea. Though, there was something that princesses had that I wanted, desperately. Every princess had a castle. I could take or leave the tiara, all I wanted was the castle.Β As a young child I was attracted to history, which could explain the attraction to castles.Β Then came Disney. It was a big day in my home when DisneyΒ was no longer a “pay” channel.Β Any natural attraction I had for history and castles was only bolstered by the princess phenomenon pushed by theΒ Disney of my youth. I Β am a Disney girl through and through. I was weened onΒ Little Mermaid, memorized every word ofΒ The Lion King, and reveled in the new age which dawned at the release ofΒ Toy Story. It is in my blood and I was pleased to see my daughter exhibiting aΒ tendency toward Disney. While she isΒ intrigued by nearly all of the cartoons, she exhibits the highestΒ enthusiasmΒ for the princesses, especially Belle from Beauty and the Beast. (Hey, I have no qualms with her liking the geekiest princess on file…no problem at all.)

As a I grew older, none of my obsessions really waned. I briefly entertained a major in historical architecture while in college just so I could study castles. Then I realized they let plain historians study them too, without the engineering courses. Heck yeah. And I still love me some Disney. So what better time to combine the two than Princess Week at GeekMom? Disney hasn’t done too bad a job with their castles through time. I mean, really, they have come up with some fantastic designs with some elements that point to real life. In the most efficient use of my time ever, I’ve decided to analyze a few of the castles Disney has produced for your reading enjoyment. Because everyone needs to know the real-life background of animated architecture. So there.

A quick background on castles: Originally castles were built as fortresses to house not only the ruling family but to pull in the villagers and livestock in case of an attack. Many scholars believe that the oldest castles were little more than large communal buildings, often domed orΒ builtΒ with solid rooftops. The Bayeux Tapestry whichΒ depicts an 11th century battle of Britain’s William the Conqueror depictsΒ such a “castle”.Β Β The oldest castle to be built in stone and looks more like what most of us think of as a castle is the Doue-la-Fontaine in France. As time progressed castles became a status symbol and a representation of wealth. Many of the earliest castles were actually built by the town as a whole rather than a wealthy individual.Β The ruling class lived in them but only by permission of the townsfolk. Β By the 12th and 13thΒ centuries, with the rise of feudal culture and new invention in modern warfare such as the trebuchet and later the canon, protection became less of a focus when designing and building castles primarily because if one was going to be attacked, there wasΒ little a castle was going to do for you. Armies were far more useful for protection thus castles needn’t be so heavy and fortified. Advents in architecture, building materials, and an increased interest in the aesthetic bore castles with the tall spires and lavish turrets and gaudy decor most people associate with the idea of castle. By the 19th century castles were being built nearly exclusively by monarchies and the upper-class and those, purely as an exhibition of their wealth. OK, enough history lesson. On to Disney.

Photo from flickr user somegeekintn via CreativeCommons

If not the first, certainly the greatest, the Cinderella Castle as depicted at Disney World is rated among the most recognized structures in the world. More people can identify this make-believe castle in a theme park than can name St. Basil’s Cathedral or the Taj Mahal. It is actually my least favorite. Nearly impossible structurally as it appears in the movie and the most useless castle from a design standpoint it is still the ever endearing and enduring symbol upon which the Disney empire is built.

Photo via WikiTravel
Above is Sleeping Beauty’s castle as depicted at Disneyland. Note the extreme similarities between this castle and Cinderella’s above. Wonder why? They were modeled after the same castle. Both were drawn using theΒ Castle-Neuschwanstein, built in the late 19th century by an Austrian recluse.
Photo Via Wikipedia
And once more, Snow White’s castle. Looks pretty much the same as the rest of them thus far. Wanna take a guess as to which castle it was modeled after?
But, Hark! What is this? Disney did start using other castles? Yes, ’tis true!
Really, you have to give the animators a break for the three castles. They were still figuring out Technicolor.

An underwater castle made of golden sand with the most amazing flyingΒ buttresses and catenary arches. Physics defies this one to exist on dry land. I’ve often wondered if actual architects designed the various castles. Although as pretty as this one is, I’m not totally sure where one actually lives in it. I can only identify one or two areas that are not open to the air (or water as the case may be). I would guess that merfolk would want some privacy at some point. I also haven’t the foggiest idea how to go about decorating Β a large number of round rooms. One must also wonder about the nature of sand underwater. Many fish and crabs make sculptures of sorts out of sand…and vomit. Perhaps I’ll pass on this one. It may be my favorite princess story but the castle I think I’ll leave for the birds. Or fish. Whatever.

A particular kind of crab eats sand to produce these cute little sand turds to impress the lady-crabs with. Gross. Natural and cool. But still gross.

Bet you never expected to know so much about Disney castles! Other castles were depicted throughout Disney’s illustrious dabbling in princesses Β such as Jasmine’s Turkish palace, Belle’s enchanted Gothic Revival attempt, and their newest toss-up, Tangled’s single column tower, and but I’ll never again have the justification to end a post with crab sand turds. So I’m done.

(PS: For you history geeks out there, you’ll notice that I didn’t source my blurb on the history of castles. It’s legit, I promise. Most of the info was drawn from memory from a thesis paper I did as an undergrad; The Important Progression of the Castle Through British History: A Brief Examination of the Evolution of Castle Architecture in Britain.Β Although I view Wikipedia as a quaternary source at best, and even then suspect validity,Β a quick check of their sourcesΒ  in the Castle article reveals that I drew on a good number of the same. Ignore the article, scroll straight down to the sources. IΒ leaned particularly heavily on McNeil, Coulson, and Thompson.)

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7 thoughts on “Castles By Disney, Interiors by Geekdom

  1. Jenn – just a quick note to you on this. My wife and I were married in the dream castle at the top of the article. This is Duns Castle in Duns Scotland near the border with England. A beautiful place for sure. The interior was just as I am sure you imagined it. Thanks for posting.

    1. Very fun! When I get married again (…) I’m totally going to Scotland to do it. Interesting note of interest again, this particular castle is about 12 miles are so from my family’s castle. Ok, my family’s castle ruins. Ok the rock that sticks out of the ground that used to be a part of the castle that my ancestral family used to have long long ago….still cool.

      1. it is a beautiful place. The movie Her Majesty, Mrs. Brown was filmed in the castle if you want to see more of this wonderful place.

  2. Unrelated, but I have to comment… Trebuchet is the coolest word in the English language. Okay, maybe it’s French. Regardless… Trebuchet. Trebuchet. Trebuchet. Ah, good times.

  3. πŸ™‚ Like you, i never fancied the princess route…but a castle…thats totally different. I’d love a castle…with columns. I dont know why, but i absolutely love colums. A big castle would be great for indoor laser tag or something πŸ™‚ Love all your articles by the way πŸ™‚

  4. Fabulous article! And seriously, when will you ever again be able to end something with sand turd. Awesomesauce!

  5. I mention this only because someone else pointed it out to me first. Take a good, hard look at the details of the castle on the picture you have for “The Little Mermaid.” You might see something drawn into it that doesn’t belong. I stress, this is on the castle. And also inappropriate. But still. It will ruin childhood memories. πŸ˜›

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