Lunches That Provide the Daily Recommended Allowance of Fun

Geek Culture People

My daughter usually buys lunch at the cafeteria, so I don’t pack her a lunch every day. And on the occasions when she asks to take her own lunch, I have to admit that I don’t spend a whole lot of time preparing it: usually a sandwich or maybe some leftover fried rice from dinner the night before. (My daughter loves fried rice and I think she’d eat it every day if I made it.)

Some parents, though, put a lot more effort into their kids’ lunches — and I don’t mean just the selection of food. We’ve mentioned before a couple parents who decorate the lunch bags, as well as a dad who turns his son’s lunch into a work of art.

Well, here are two more fun examples of lunchtime fun that we’ve come across this week.


The Batman comic comes from The Lunchbox Daily. Inspired by his mom’s cartoon-a-day, Jim Lin draws a cartoon on his son’s lunchbox every day. The lunchbox actually has a dry erase board built into the lid, which is a pretty nifty idea in itself. Check out the site, where he posts photos of the cartoons.


This second drawing is from WanderMonster (under the “lunch posts” section). Rob Kimmel sends his son to school with a sticky note, on which he has drawn part of a picture and the start of a sentence. His son finishes the drawing and the sentence and brings it home at the end of the day. I love the idea of the collaboration, and I found this drawing of the curious nose particularly entertaining.

So, how about you? Any fun lunchtime (or otherwise daily) rituals you share with your kids?

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