5 thoughts on “Let’s Settle This Once and for All: Who Is the Best Doctor?

  1. It’s so hard to choose…there really isn’t a Doctor that I don’t like. Tom Baker was the Doctor I grew up on, and he was just so much fun. But David Tennant really cemented the enjoyment of the relaunched series for me.

  2. I think David Tennant is my favorite because he was the doctor when I fell in love with the show. I watched the first series of the new Doctor with Christopher Eccelston, and enjoyed it, but it wasn’t till Tennant took over that it became MUST WATCH TV for me. I do plan on going back and watching all that is available on netflix and hulu but I really don’t see my opinion changing.

  3. They say you never forget your first doctor, which for me was Eccleston, but Tenant had more unforgetable moments and showed me the wonder of the show.

    On a side note how many other people now want to see some more of Hurt’s doctor after some of his great lines from DoTD?

  4. I would have had a hard time with this last week. But when I saw Tennant onscreen Saturday, there was no doubt in my mind. He stands for the remorse, the promise, the ethical backbone and the willingness to allow love in his life.

  5. Phenomenal concept, writing, acting, all of it; but, I truly believe that had it not been for the glorious Tom Baker, we would not have had the reprisal of our present Doctor(s). He embodies The Doctor. He made Dr. Who legendary and mythological, and without him, we wouldn’t be counting down the minutes until the next episode appeared. I adored the interplay between Ten and Eleven last weekend, and I am so thankful War was redeemed, but I GASPED when I heard Four’s sonorous voice. Tears welled, and the few minutes that he was on screen, he held the room. Tom Baker is my Doctor <3

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